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«How to be healthy» ч.1


1.      Совершенствование устной речи и аудирования

2.      Активизация навыков чтения

3.      Воспитание положительного отношения к здоровому образу жизни


Оборудование: магнитофон, кассета, проектор, экран, карточки с заданием


Ход урока.

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you.

Беседа о погоде, времени года, занятиях детей зимой.

- What is the weather like today? Is it snowing? What is your favorite season? What can we do in winter? Are skating, skiing, and playing hockey the best ways of keeping fit and healthy?


2.Объявление цели и темы урока.

- Today we’ll speak about health, healthy food, answer the question how to be healthy. At first we’ll check our homework. Your home task was to find and write down Bashkir, Russian, English proverbs about health.

3.Проверка домашнего задания.

(Учащиеся читают свои пословицы на башкирском, русском и английском языках. Затем  они хором повторяются)


Remember these proverbs:

1.   Good health is above wealth

2.   An apple a day keeps a doctor away

3.   Eat at pleasure, drink with measure

4.   Laugh is the best medicine

5.   A healthy mind in a healthy body

6.   Health is better than wealth

7.   Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


4.Работа по теме “How to be healthy”

a)   And now, answer my questions:

- What is sport for you?

- Is there any connection between sport and health?

(Ответы учеников)

P1: Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train in clubs in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

P2: Physical training is an important subject at school. We have got physical training lessons twice a week. We play volleyball and basketball at the lessons. There is a sport ground near our school and we go in for sports in the open air. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you are in good health and don’t catch colds. I like the proverb: Good health is above wealth etc.

-          Any other ideas how to take care of our health? What must or mustn’t we do to be healthy?

(Ответы учеников)

P3: I am sure that health is a very important thing for people. If you are in good health you are in good mood. I think it is necessary to take care of your health.

We must get up early and do morning exercises. Usually I wash myself in the morning and in the evening with cold or warm water.

P4: To spend a lot of time in the open air is a very important thing for everybody. It is useful to go for a walk before going to bed. I think that we have to keep our flats and rooms clean.

It is necessary to eat high fibre food. We must eat fruit and vegetables. A good way to live well is dieting.

P5: Paying attention to health we have to go in for sports. It means that we must run and jump, play football, volleyball and basketball. In short we must be in motion.

P6: Drinking alcohol is not useful for our health. It is bad when we eat at night, don’t follow a diet and don’t move.

Smoking is not useful for us either. If a person smokes a lot he will be ill. To smoke is to live a risky life.

I am sure that our health is connected with our nervous system. I think we must not be nervous.


b)Now boys, look at the table which is called “Bad habits” and try to make up sentences, using the words and phrases.
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: reli (09.06.2008) | Автор: Учительница англ. яз. Юмадилова Р.Х
Просмотров: 4767 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/4 |

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